The Development Review

The Development Review

Beyond Research – Vol 1 The Development Review is an international Journal aimed at bringing the voices from the grassroots. It is a scholarly open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in the development sector. It is published quarterly.Specific focus of the journal would be on the following subjects. Poverty Gender…

International Conference on policies for water and food security in dry areas

International Conference on policies for water and food security in dry areas

Dry areas cover more than 40% of the world’s land surface and are home to 2.5 billion people, including some of the poorest on the globe. These dry areas have less than eight per cent of the world’s renewable water resources and are challenged by extreme temperatures, frequent drought, land degradation and desertification.

Safe Water Sanitation, and Early Childhood Malnutrition in East Africa

Safe Water Sanitation, and Early Childhood Malnutrition in East Africa

To understand safe water and sanitation in East Africa, it is important to consider the contributions of African feminist analysis. This perspective will unveil inequities in the distribution of resources, demonstrate how localized solutions which are driven by women’s collaborative work have had an impact by temporarily easing the burden, and paint a multilayered picture…